It's been quite awhile since I posted last. I've been going through a rough time. First, my husband and I divorced after almost 20 years of marriage. I then became homeless. I was blessed with a friend that took me in and helped me to get back on my feet again.
That same friend sent me "home" to be with my family when my niece passed away due to complications from Lupus. My heart will always ache for her. I held her for the first time when she was just an hour old. She died 2 months before she turned 33 years old.
I woke up very dizzy one morning in October. I had to hold onto the wall to get downstairs. Thank goodness a friend from church was stopping by to pick up a bag of clothes. She got me to the hospital, and I had a cardiac catherization the next day. A stent was put in and I went through cardiac rehabilitation. I am happy to say that I feel great now.
Now that I am in a better place, I can't wait to start posting my kits again. There will be freebies here, as always. Make sure you stop by in about a week.
Prayers are always welcome and I would like to start a prayer list as soon as I can figure out how to give you all access to it. We should pray for one another. I never would have made it through everything without God.